Thursday, November 11, 2010
15 Stylish Creative and Cool Beds Photo
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This list is a collection of 15 stylish, creative and cool beds to add to the beauty, uniqueness, comfort and elegance of your bedroom.
15. Train Bed
Train Bed
This Tank Engine Train Bed from Little Tikes is available at a price of $450. The bed has specially designed shelves to hold bedtime story books of your kids. It has a storage chest in the front. The bed is made in durable plastic. The dimensions of the bed are: L178 x W88 x H106cm. For more details, visit the website.14. Sandwich Bed
Sandwich Bed
This interesting and cool room is ‘Happy Days’ room at the FantaSuite Hotel in West Bend, Wisconsin. The room is decorated with tomatoes, lettuce, bacon, cheese and ketchup bottle among other ingredients. It is part of the decor theme, the sandwich bedroom, of the fourth network FantaSuite Hotels.13. Football Bed
Football Bed
This sturdy and creative goal bed has the frame raised on the 3 sides where the netting is for safety.The manufacturers offer range of accessories for items to compliment the football bedroom theme. The bed is available in $ 290 at the link.12. Crazy Horse Free Form Bed
Crazy Horse Free Form Bed
This luxurious crazy looking bed is available in two options: canopy option and double side rails option. It costs $1,259-$1,889. For more information, follow the link. Here luxury comes with style.
11. Pirate Ship Bed for Kids
Pirate Ship Bed
Pirate Ship Bed is a dream of every young boy. You can turn your son’s fantasy of sleeping in a pirate ship true by placing order at the following link. The bed costs $6446.4 at a 50% discounted price. The bed has a book shelf and reading light. It has wheels and storage area too.
10. Sports Car Bed
Sports Car Bed
This cool and stylish sports car shaped, twin bed from Little Tikes, is available in $299 at the following link.BiTurbo
BiTurbo Sports Car bed by Cilek is available in $950. The This cool bed features working led headlights, a red strobing front led light, imitation 5 spoke alloy wheels with drilled ceramic disc brakes& red calipers. This 2 door coupe has door handles. The dimensions of the bed are W.122 x H.66 x L. It has a warranty of 5 years. To place order, visit the link.
9. Hamburger Bed
Hamburger Bed
This soft, cheesy, yummy and comfortable bed made it’s first appearance on Jay Leno TV Show, in a segment: “ebay Sold or Not Sold”. The bed was sold on eBay as a fund raiser in July of 2009 to a resident of Chicago, Illinois.
8. Rocking Bed
Private Cloud Rocking Bed
Rocking Bed
The Private Cloud is a rocking bed by German designer Manuel Kloker. The bed gives a calming experience and a deep and comfortable sleep. The idea was first conceived in 2005 and the bed was unveiled for the first time in 2008 at The annual International Home Furnishings Show in Cologne. The 2009 version without the canopy is available in $6500.
7. Bed With a Dress
Bed Wearing a Dress
This amazing and aesthetically designed fashion hotel is built inside a renovated train station from 19th century in Milan. Milan’s Maison Moschino like the Italian luxury fashion house, exhibits a surrealist aesthetic. This bed is wearing a very beautiful dress showing the taste and standard of the hotel. The hotel is a perfect place to stay during your honeymoon days. To get more details about the hotel, visit the website.6. Cosmovoide Bed
Cosmovoide Bed
This luxurious bed from French designers Mork and Mindy comes at a price of $60,000. The bed has hammock-like suspending springs, seven rainbow-colored LEDs, a telephone, and a DVD/home theater with an intgrated TV at its foot. The bed’s twin “electric relaxation frame,” is the perfect tool for a comfortable and deep sleep after a tiring and long day at work.
5. Space Economical Beds
Room at Daytime
Room at Night
Room During Day
Room at Night
These unique and space economical beds stay on the ceiling all day long, giving the room an elegant, organized and modern look. At night they can be easily pulled down and there is no need to move heavy furniture. The concept is to create space within space. The furniture has a self support system. For pricing and more details, you may visit the link.4. Cinderella Bed
Cinderella Bed
Fantasies turn to reality at PoshTots. This pumpkin shaped coach of Cinderella from the famous fairy tale of Cinderella would make your daughter go crazy with joy and excitement. The bed is available at a price of $47,000. For more details and to see the entire range of themed bedroom sets, you may visit their website.
3. Super Nintendo Bed
Those with a gaming interest would love this sleek and stylish, Super Nintendo Bed. The bed gives the room a cool look, perfectly describing your taste. It features a Hollandia adjustable 3D mattress, fully enclosed speakers, a 250 watt amplifier and two iPad docks. No doubt it is any geek’s ultimate dream. This all comes at a price of $20,000. This would give the geeks, with a huge bank balance, the best nights sleep they have ever had.
2. Magnetic Floating Bed
Magnetic Floating Bed
The Millionaire Fair in Kortrijk, Belgium hosted extravagant products from all over the globe. Here, Dutch architect Janjaap Ruijssenaar exhibited his designer floating bed. This floating bed uses magnetism to keep suspended 40 cm above the floor, overpowering the strong force of gravity. The bed uses strong opposing magnets to provide the magnetism. It can bear weight up to to 900 kg. The full size bed costs $1.6 million and a bed that is 1/5 the size of the full size bed costs only $153,000.1. Hi Can Bed
Hi Can Fidelity Bed
Hi Can
Hi Can Bed
This hi tech and super cool bed is designed by the Italian designer Edoardo Carlino. The Hi-Can high fidelity canopy is an ultimate integration of technology and luxury, equipped with appliances of latest technology to surf the web, watch movies, play games, and listen to music all from the comfort of your bed. The bed has a projector, a sound system, a projection screen and a DVD player. In short it is an all in one, a comfortable and luxurious bed, with a home theater. Hi Can Bed was first presented at the Well Tech Village in Milan and Milan Design Week 2009. The bed has the Xbox 360 gaming console and inbuilt lightning and high fidelity sound system. This dream bed comes at a price of $59,000 plus.
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